If you use a mod manager, run FNIS from its list of supported tools.<< Skyrim 32bit: ?.?.? - D:GamesSteamsteamappscommonSkyrim (Steam) Expected generator path: D:GamesSteamsteamappscommonSkyrimdatatoolsGenerateFNIS_for_Users Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones) FNIS.ini RedirectFiles=D:GamesFNIS_Redirect Patch: 'GENDER Specific Animations' Patch: 'SKELETON Arm Fix' Patch: 'File Redirection (Vortex/MO profiles support)' Reading FNISBase V7.4.5. Generator not run from ToolsGenerateFNIS_for_Users. Generatefnisforusers.exe Download FNIS Behavior V7.4.5 XXL 9:09:43 AM Generator: D:GamesVortexDLdownloadsdeploymentFNIS Behavior 7_4_5 XXL-1-5toolsGenerateFNIS_for_UsersGenerateFNISforUsers.exe >Warning: Bad installation. – Once the “Update FNIS Behaviour” button is clickable again you can close the program IF there are no errors or warnings. – Run the file called “GenerateFNISforUsers.exe”. Seems like they have good instructions / FAQ. I cant seem to find generatefnisforusers anywhere (and before i go in to details im asking here because you guys come up with faster awensors then on the nexus fourms) after i asked on the nexus fourms i got only 1 reply being a moron who stated 'why don't you click on the installation guide link on the mods page and read the entire mod description. Repeat this process with FNIS Creatures and FNIS Spells (if required).
#How to download fnis to mod manager install
Download the main file with the 'Mod Manager Download' button, then install and enabled in inside Vortex.

Download the main file with the Mod Manager Download button, then install and enabled in inside Vortex. FNIS can be installed into Vortex like any other mod. FNIS can be installed into Vortex like any other mod. Raw download clone embed print report FNIS Behavior V7.4.5 XXL 9:09:43 AM Generator: D: Games VortexDL downloads deployment FNIS Behavior 745 XXL-1-5 tools GenerateFNISforUsers GenerateFNISforUsers.exe.